BwA Tips in How to serve Wine #4 | BWA 教你如何伺酒 #4

6. Types of Wine Glasses 酒杯的种类


7. How to Decant 如何醒酒


Two purposes:

1. Separate older wines from their sediments (otherwise, they would have an astringent taste).
2. Allow the wine to slowly come in contact with air in order to show all the aromas and flavors.

How to do:

Put the bottle vertically for 24h to deposit the sediments on the top of the bottle. Open, start pouring the wine slowly into a decanter against a candle, for example, to make sure that no sediment is poured into the decanter.

醒酒的两个目的:1.分离陈年酒的沉 淀物 (否则会带有苦涩 味道); 2. 让酒体充 分接触空气,以释放所 有的香气 味道. 如何做: 垂直放置 酒瓶24小时,让沉淀物 聚拢在瓶底,打开酒瓶,将酒慢慢倒入醒酒器,注意不要将 瓶底沉淀物倒入器皿中。


BwA Tips in How to serve Wine #3 | BWA 教你如何伺酒 #3



4. How to Taste Wine 如何品酒 

Inspect the cork – must be intact and the only trace of wine must be at the bottom. Give a quick sniff to check if the wine is good. Pour a small amount at the glass and swirl it vigorously. Smell and taste. 

观察软木塞,确认软木结构紧实 只有在木塞底部有红酒印渍。 快速闻一下,辨别气味没有变质

在酒杯中倒入一点酒,轻轻 摇晃酒杯,闻一下,尝一口。


5. How to Pour Wine 倒酒的学问

 Wine must be poured slowly toward the center of the glass. It must be filled only below the widest section of the glass, so that the customer can swirl the wine without risk of spillage. End serving slightly rotating your hand, so that the wine doesn’t drip. 

轻轻将瓶口悬于酒杯中央上方倒入杯中。酒倒至酒杯肚处即可 这样客人在摇晃酒杯时就不会轻易将酒洒出。倒完一杯酒后应将瓶口迅速转半圈,并向上倾斜,以免瓶口的酒滴至杯外。


Stay tuned for the next BwA tip!


BwA Tips in How to serve Wine #2 | BWA 教你如何伺酒 #2

3. How to present and open a bottle of Wine 开酒的技巧



1. Present the bottle holding it by the bottom, with a napkin on the left arm. After showing to customer, present the label – name, designation, winery, grape varieties and alcohol, with the label turned into the customer, by the right side. After opening, the wine must be served in the glass. 

左手用餐巾扶住瓶身底部,酒标向外,向客人展示此酒的完 整酒标信息:酒名,酒庄名,葡萄成分。酒精含量等。同时, 由左往右转动瓶身,展示完整前标和背标信息。应在每一 个客人的右侧逐一倒酒。打开瓶盖以后,必须将葡萄酒倒 入红酒杯伺酒。


2. Place the foil cutter (knife part of the opener) under the lip and cut around the bottle. Press around the lip until removing the foil. Press the opener into the center of cork, turning clockwise while you twist the bottle anticlockwise in your other hand. Don’t go any further into the cork. 

将开瓶器的割纸器部分放在瓶口部位,按压并沿着瓶口边缘划开 锡纸部分。将开瓶器螺 旋钻对准软木塞中央部分顺时针向下扭转 ,另一只手逆时针旋转。


3. Move the lever arm down against the neck (top of the bottle). Pull up on the lever firmly. The cork will gently lift up out of the bottle. With the napkin, clean the neck to remove cork remains. 

把顶针(螺旋金属部分)尖头轻压入木塞,顺势旋转进入视木塞长 度旋入顶针深度,以不刺透木塞为好。将金属头部分卡口轻轻 卡住瓶口突起部分,手握住刀身,关键是腾出食指轻轻压扣住 金属头和把柄关节处的金属头尾部,使金属头卡口卡住瓶口突起,并让食指保持这个姿态,稳定刀头和瓶口卡紧接触状况。 用力拉起把柄,在杠杆作用的拉力下(两个着力点,一个是金属头和瓶子突起卡紧部分,一个是螺旋针和木塞中 心的接触点)木塞被徐徐拔出。


4. In case of sparkling and white wines, maintain the bottle chilled in a bucket with ice and water. Put the napkin around the bottle and serve. Move the bottle regularly to maintain its freshness. 

如果是开气泡酒和白酒,应先将酒先放入冰桶内冷却。 在伺酒时 应用餐巾包住瓶身。


Stay tuned for the next BwA tip!


BwA Tips in How to serve Wine #1 | BWA 教你如何伺酒 #1

During this week, BwA will post some tips in how to serve wine here on the Blog. Stay tuned, each day we will have some tips. We hope you all find them useful!



  1. How to Store Wine 葡萄酒的保存


Keep wine bottles away from light. Store corked wine bottles on their sides or diagonal with the cork on top. Keep the temperature constant – all wine should be stored between 10 Cº and 16 Cº.

请勿将酒暴露于强光中,储存未开的葡萄酒时,不论是横放 还是斜放,但要保持酒塞在上。保持温度恒定——

所有的酒须保存 在10 Cº 到16 Cº之间


  1. Wine Temperatures 保存葡萄酒的最佳温度


Sparking Wines 气泡酒 – 6-11 Cº
Rosé Wines 玫瑰酒 – 7-13 Cº
White Wines 白葡萄酒 – 7-10 Cº
Red Wines 红葡萄酒 – 14-18 Cº
Port Wine 波特酒 – 10-16 Cº 

Stay tuned for the next BwA tip!
