First Boutique World Tasting on M1NT Shanghai! 世界精品酒鉴赏@M1NT SHANGHAI(第一场)

First Boutique World Tasting on M1NT Shanghai!

Boutique Wines Asia organized an Event for the best media in Shanghai this Thursday, July 26. We presented our new Brand on M1NT Shanghai, with a travel around 10 countries of the World, through the best wine essences. We had a speech from João Gago, Managing Director of BwA, and from Julien Bonnard, Wine Specialist, with a speech “Reds are also good for Summer” with some technical notes about temperature.

Check some of the pictures of the Event! BwA, more than wine, a way of living.

世界精品酒鉴赏@M1NT SHANGHAI(第一场)


席间,我们通过10个国家的精品红酒之旅体验,向大家展示了BWA最新的品牌形象。我们的总经理JOAO GAGO发表了生动又幽默的演讲。葡萄酒专家JULIEN BONNARD也同样发表了“夏天同样适合喝红酒”的演讲。


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Welcome to BwA´s New Blog! 欢迎加入BWA的BLOG!

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Welcome to BwA´s New Blog! We´ve been redesigning our Brand Image and Communication, so we would like to invite you all to know a little bit more of BwA. Take a look in our History, Philosoph and Vision and Portfolio. We are more boutique than ever!


BwA is a family project from its very first day. The “hands on the vines” side of BwA is represented by the Cottini Family, from the Veneto Region, in Italy, who bring the viticulture and the vinification knowledge to ensure the highest quality and selection of our terroirs. This knowledge comes from decades of dedication to their vineyards in the region of Valpolicella, in Northern Italy. The management experience and expertise side of the business, on the other hand, comes from the Bergamaschi Family, a renowned Italian family of entrepreneurs from Milan. Hand in hand with the Cottini family, they are fulfilling the dream to share some of the world’s best wine treasures with Asia. But the company wouldn’t be complete without a “dynamic hand” working directly in the field in Asia. With 8 years of marketing and management background, João Gago worked for over three years in one of Asia’s largest wine importers, which gave him a particular insight about the Far East market. The three represented families came to discover the wine world in Asia, and China ended up conquering them.

Philosophy and Vision

Boutique Wines Asia was born from a one-of-a-kind dream to bring Premium Boutique Wines to Asia. BwA presents an exclusive selection of wines from family-owned wineries from around the World, each one carefully chosen for being a top representative of its region and fine example of its terroir. BwA boutique families represent the company’s philosophy and vision – to share true wine treasures with Asia, through a top management model, wine quality and know-how. The main goal is to offer the best boutique products, supported by a uniqueness factor, as well as a dynamic attitude and particular insight, focusing in the Far East markets. Boutique Wines Asia is not just about selling wine, it’s also a way of living we showcase daily, through our selection of boutique wines and boutique lifestyles from around the World.


Boutique Wines Asia was born from a one-of-a-kind dream to bring Premium Boutique Wines to Asia. BwA presents an exclusive selection of wines from family-owned wineries from around the World, each one carefully chosen for being a top representative of its region and fine example of its terroir. BwA boutique families represent the company’s philosophy and vision – to share true wine treasures with Asia, through a top management model, wine quality and know-how. The main goal is to offer the best boutique products, supported by a uniqueness factor, as well as a dynamic attitude and particular insight, focusing in the Far East markets. Boutique Wines Asia is not just about selling wine, it’s also a way of living we showcase daily, through our selection of boutique wines and boutique lifestyles from around the World.

欢迎加入BWA的BLOG!我们正在重塑形象,真诚邀请您了解全新打造的BWA。关注我们的BLOG,了解属于我们的历史, 理想,形象以及产品资料。你会发现,我们正在变得更加精致,更加特别,更加BOUTIQUE!


派勋是首创的一个家族品牌。她的“葡萄酒工艺”由来自意大利威尼托区的科帝尼家族掌管,其葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿 造工艺成就了产品的高品质,并保证所有的葡萄酒都是产区的精品。家族的丰富知识和技术源自几十年来,为其在意 大利北部瓦尔波利塞拉区的葡萄园的倾情奉献;另一方面,品牌的管理经验和技术则来自于意大利久负盛名的企业家 家族——博马舍。两个家族携手致力于同亚洲分享全球最优质的葡萄酒。而实现这一梦想也离不开一位扎根于亚洲的 “活跃助手”——高明壮先生,他的8年市场管理工作背景,和任职于亚洲最大的葡萄酒进口商之一超过3年的经验,使得他对远东市场极具独特见解。三方强强联手共同发掘亚洲葡萄酒市场并相信最终将获得中国市场的认可和青睐。


派勋葡萄酒贸易(上海)有限公司,契机源于独树一帜的将顶级葡萄酒带给亚洲的美好愿望。派勋为您精选数款来自 全球的高档葡萄酒,产自家族自有酒庄,精心挑选的每一款都是各产区的代表作和经典款。派勋家族代表着企业的哲 学观和眼界——借由顶级管理模式,产品高品质和操作知识,与亚洲分享世界顶级葡萄酒珍品。得力于其专享条件,积极态度和独特见解,派勋专注于远东市场,为客户提供优质精品。我们提供的不只是葡萄酒,更是一种生活品质,这种品质随时体现于我们来自世界各地的精品葡萄酒和精致的生活方式。


派勋拥有一系列种类丰富的家族精选品牌,来自世界各地,从历史悠久的本地葡萄品种到世界领先的有机种植技术,甚至是生物动力酿造工艺。按种类分为:红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,桃红葡萄酒,起泡葡萄酒,甜葡萄酒,和更独特的精 选波特葡萄酒及麝香葡萄酒。从诞生的第一天起,派勋便强烈的渴望将优质的葡萄酒和葡萄品种呈现给各位,然而它 们毋庸置疑的品质却鲜为人知,葡萄品种诸如 “阿涅丝”,“莱弗斯科”,“葡萄牙国产多瑞加”和“丹娜”;产区 如保加利亚的“色雷斯河谷”,葡萄牙的“杜奥”,巴西的“葡萄园河谷”,这些都是体现我们目录独特性的最佳典 范。派勋渴望为大众带来葡萄酒的芬芳和美味,不止为了真正的鉴赏家,更为了欣赏葡萄酒,欣赏精致生活的每一位。